זהבה נטר

גלרית האומנות של זהבה נטר

About Zhava Neter

.Zehava Neter, born in Israel 1966

.A painter and a member of the Israeli Association of painters

.Graduate of the faculty of art – Hamidrasha at Beit-Berl College

.Zehava has Bachelor's degree in art, art education and a muster in educational organization and management

Draws and teaches art in the educational system and in informal framework since 1990

She curated exhibitions, participated in solo and group exhibitions and took part in festivals across the count and in the world, These days she is participating in a group exhibition in Paris, France

Some of her works are displayed in various and significant privet collection 

Zehava is a multidisciplinary artist of emotion, a communicator, and as an intuitive painter she connects her talents: she draws and illustrates her desires and wishes, and frequently searches for the connection between
the spiritual and the artistic in her life

She creates in a short time and from an impulse of unrestrained creation. The origin of the paintings is inside the body, inside, from the intricacies of the soul, as a response to emotions, events and life situations. The gestures, the hand movements, the choice of color and the conversations of the brush are repetitive movements that change from painting to painting, as a seismograph of the soul she confronts in her work mentally, internally and externally, without reservations, with personal issues from her life

– Michal Sadan

During different periods she dealt with various topics: from characters, body movement and relationships presented as a landscape with sole and life story, color drawings and flowers with healing power, light, joy, and optimism

As a granddaughter of a Kabbalist, she endows intuition and communication abilities

A mentor in challenges of life and in challenging times, directs and accompanies personal and professional processes

In some of her works, she combines Kabbala motives, symbols and letters which stand for health success, prosperity, love and fertility. This has empowered and helped many

Her art expresses her journey in life. The nature of the paintings is influenced by the feelings and sensations she experiences in different periods of her life

Recently she deals with the fascinating world of painting in which lines, stains of color and characters create and describe a new world. a world of images, events and emotions, Fear and uncertainty in the spirit of the current age In the shade of the corona

About Zehava Neter

.Zehava Neter, born in Israel 1966

A painter and a member of the Israeli Association of painters

Graduate of the faculty of art – Hamidrasha at Beit-Berl College

Zehava has Bachelor's degree in art, art education and a muster in educational organization and management

Draws and teaches art in the educational system and in informal framework since 1990

She curated exhibitions, participated in solo and group exhibitions and took part in festivals across the count and in the world, These days she is participating in a group exhibition in Paris, France

Some of her works are displayed in various and significant privet collection 

Zehava is a multidisciplinary artist of emotion, a communicator, and as an intuitive painter she connects her talents: she draws and illustrates her desires and wishes, and frequently searches for the connection between
the spiritual and the artistic in her life

She creates in a short time and from an impulse of unrestrained creation. The origin of the paintings is inside the body, inside, from the intricacies of the soul, as a response to emotions, events and life situations. The gestures, the hand movements, the choice of color and the conversations of the brush are repetitive movements that change from painting to painting, as a seismograph of the soul she confronts in her work mentally, internally and externally, without reservations, with personal issues from her life

– Michal Sadan

During different periods she dealt with various topics: from characters, body movement and relationships presented as a landscape with sole and life story, color drawings and flowers with healing power, light, joy, and optimism

As a granddaughter of a Kabbalist, she endows intuition and communication abilities

A mentor in challenges of life and in challenging times, directs and accompanies personal and professional processes

In some of her works, she combines Kabbala motives, symbols and letters which stand for health success, prosperity, love and fertility. This has empowered and helped many